

Where is it that we find peace?
Do we often recognize it when we do?
If so, then how do we know?
Do we accept it or let it go?

Perhaps Peace is nowhere to be found,
a symbolic harvest that is grown with no ground.
It’s breath is given, such as yours and I,
without worldly constraint, no water and no sky.

What appears before us, most likely we see.
For our senses we most often use blindedly.
Our reflection in a mirror we accept is not real,
what stands before it, we believe is what feels.

To grow a garden, we use the elements as such.
But to cultivate peace, maybe not so much.
So then, where is it that we may find Peace?
We simply accept and allow it, and of course Let It Go!tribute 19

River of Life

For me, there is no better place to be on earth than on the river.  Of course that is just my humanly take on things.  If I were, then I would surely be a river-man.  Few things in this life can beat a wet day on a river that is followed by a dry night sitting by a fire.

It matters very little where you may go to enjoy the river’s beauty.  Whether it be floating the rapids in a kayak or simply sitting upon a rock at the water’s edge in Virginia, Georgia, Colorado, Utah, etc.  It is all river life at its finest.  Those who spend time on the river are familiar with the lifestyle’s unique laid back and carefree disposition.  Outside of the practice personal and group water safety, there is little formality with regards to river life.  There is never a need for flashy jewelry or makeup and clean clothes fall secondary to dry clothes.  In this kingdom there are gravel roads, campfires, star filled skies, gentle sounds and plenty of beer.

What I find most enjoyable on the river is the peace that surrounds it.  It feels like an environment where love abounds.  In contrast to more urban settings, when one is in need, assistance is immediately available.  From someone falling out of a boat or raft to a fine fellow without a beer, there is always someone willing to help out.  There is certainly a brotherhood on these waters that serves as a reminder that we all really are connected.

Today I had a wonderful time on the river.  I again find myself in the beautiful wild that is West Virginia.  I am currently sitting by a campfire enjoying the last rays of the afternoon sun.  While I feel the warmth of the fire surround my body, I watch out as the light turns golden-yellow, piercing through the tree canopy above me at a low angle and casting long shadows upon the ground.  These last shadows of the day are the first settling in of darkness.  A preamble to nightfall when the fire on the ground and the moon and stars above become the light show of the hour.  I place more wood onto the fire and then sit back into my chair, relaxing.  I breathe calmly and allow the flood of relaxation to flood over my body.  I consider the wonderful day that was had on the water and I think about how this moment is a wonderful place to be, and that life is indeed good.